Sunday, March 29, 2020

How to Create a Tutoring Calendar

How to Create a Tutoring CalendarCreating a Tutoring Calendar is an easy way to stay organized. Keeping tabs on class schedules can be a chore, but it doesn't have to be that way. There are a number of online calendars available that can keep you on track and make scheduling things a whole lot easier. Here are a few of the tools available for students, parents, and teachers.You can create a calendar to help you keep track of your kids' different kids classes. Having an organized schedule will also allow you to see the schedule in order and make sure you're always on time for their class. This feature will help them, their friends, and your other student schedule to stay on track as well.To create a calendar, all you need to do is download the calendar to your computer. Each month you can then print out a copy of the schedule for easy reference at a later date. The calendar can be printed out using any printer that supports inkjet printers, but if you want to use ink, make sure that y ou have enough ink cartridges for each month.Some people prefer to create their own calendar, but there are tools available to help you create a personalized calendar. The tools can be downloaded from the internet and allow you to customize a calendar to fit the needs of your specific class. With just a click of a button, you can create a customized calendar that will work with your specific class and your specific time zone.If you're not the type of person to just sit down and draw up a map, you can also buy calendars with different images or pictures. All you have to do is choose the image and format and then save it as a jpg or png file. Once you have the calendar saved and ready to go, all you have to do is print out the image and add it to your calendar.If you're the type of person who likes to jot down important information at the end of each class, you can purchase an electronic calendar that is battery operated. This tool works just like a traditional calendar, except you wo n't be searching through stacks of paper to find your notes. Instead, your notes will be instantly saved onto your computer, which you can print out as needed.Writing in a journal or notebook isn't going to do you much good, so you might as well look into a device that uses the internet to capture your handwriting. It works just like a regular pen and paper, except you will have access to all of your handwriting. This will allow you to write down notes for each individual student as they complete each assignment.As you can see, there are many options available when it comes to creating a tutoring calendar. One tool that has proven effective in the past is one that lets you personalize the look of the calendar. By using an online tool that allows you to design your own calendar, you can personalize the look and feel of your calendar to suit your needs.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Mission Viejo English Tutor 5 Note-taking Tips for Freshman

Mission Viejo English Tutor 5 Note-taking Tips for Freshman Tips from a Mission Viejo English Tutor: 5 Note-taking Tips for High School Freshman Tips from a Mission Viejo English Tutor: 5 Note-taking Tips for High School Freshman Freshman year in high school is a huge transition perhaps second only to that of moving on to college. There are higher expectations in general, and teachers expect students to ask them for help if theyre lost rather than reach out to students who they think might need help. Once in high school students will be expected to read more text in their math and science classes and read several novels in their English classes, while retaining this information for cumulative exams later in the year. With all of this new information to remember its extremely important to develop excellent notation skills. Some teachers will go over how best to take notes, or at least go over a few popular methods. However, students will have to determine independently which method works best for them. Until they do they are missing out on some really valuable skills that can help them understand new material, review past material, and get higher grades overall. Here are five note-taking tips from a Mission Vi ejo English Tutor. 1. Put things in your own words One thing most students should do but often fail to do is to put things in their own words. Students who write down phrases from a textbook verbatim will generally not remember the information at all. Unless freshmen can take these notes into the test with them, which is rare in high school, they will have wasted a bunch of time. Instead, students should take the time up front to write phrases in their own words. If they cant do this, its a sign that they dont really understand the information and they should probably look to their teacher or tutor for help (READ: A Students Guide to Study Breaks). 2. Use bullet points For many students, writing things in paragraph format can become overwhelming and distract them from the task at hand. Using bullet points or other notation formatting can help students write down information quickly and effectively while still keeping their notes clear and easy to read later on. With practice, students will find a balance of the correct amount of things they need to write down and which information is important for the exam. 3. Stay organized Taking excellent notes is only helpful if the student can maintain basic organization. If note cards and papers are stuffed at the bottom of a backpack or find their way to the trash too quickly, the notes wont be any help at all. When students have finished studying for an exam or have completed a chapter in their text book they are encouraged to put them in a separate binder for past assignments where they keep all their notes. Then, when it comes time to study for the midterm or final exam they will have all their notes ready and available to them at a glance. 4. Put information in plain language Many students new to high school will write down notes using the jargon that their text book or novel did. The point of taking notes is to make the assignment easier, not more difficult. Jargon is difficult to deal with when first presented and is just as tricky when it comes time to study. Thus, its important for students to write their notes down in plain language using vocabulary words they currently understand. Although students will need to broaden their vocabulary and understand new terms and phrases; their personal notes should always be easy to read (READ: 10 Study Tips from an Irvine History Tutor). 5. Never throw away your notes Its very tempting for students to rip up and throw away their notes once their quiz has been completed. Unfortunately, many students find out later on that their final exam encompasses that novel from two months ago. Students who have thrown away their notes will have to work with their study group or tutor to take duplicate notes all over again or risk doing poorly on the test. However, students who have saved and organized their notes will be able to spend an hour or so looking back at them rather than several hours redoing the assignment. Students should keep all their notes until they have gotten their final grades for every class at the end of the academic year in June. Our experienced Mission Viejo private tutors are masters at note-taking. Call us today to book your academic tutor from TutorNerds. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Looking for a Place to Live

Looking for a Place to Live Many students who are planning to attend a college out of town cannot afford nor do they want to live in one of the dormitories the universities may provide. These students will be looking for an apartment, usually with a roommate. Ive got some information for you, especially if you are going to attend one of the wonderful universities in Los Angeles, California, such as UCLA, USC, or one of the many Cal States and private and commercial universities that cover the city. For over twenty years, I managed properties in the Los Angeles area and hopefully have some good tips for those of you planning on making L.A. at least a temporary home while in school. Keep in mind that most cities are pretty similar in the way they go about this so the information here may  improve the chances of anyone anywhere in getting a place they want, so pay attention. Before you even get started searching for your new digs you need to do a little research. First decide what the maximum amount of rent you can afford to pay. And then because it’s Los Angeles simply expect to pay a bit more. Depending on where your campus is located, you need to decide on the area you prefer. You can use Craigslist as a tool for getting an idea of the rents in the different neighborhoods. They can change drastically from place to place. Also, ask around about the safety of neighborhoods. There are some places in L.A. that are more dangerous than others. For example some of the areas surrounding the University of Southern California are pretty tough and you may want to stay somewhere else.  Somewhere that an evening walk would not be a matter of will we get back home or not afterward? When applying for an apartment never tell the landlord or manager that this is temporary. Apartment owners didn’t dish out money for fresh paint and new or at least steam cleaned carpets and cleaning crews just so you can temporarily live there. They want a tenant who will stay a few years. Make it worth their while. Next, when visiting a unit, have your basic paper work ready, in case the manager is there and ready to take applications.  Basic paperwork would be copies of your Identification, driver’s license, school ID, bank documents, etc. Have a copy of your credit report also. Your credit rating has become the main decision maker for which possible tenant choices are made. So the higher your credit ratings, the better off you are. Don’t be too discouraged if your credit rating is not spectacular. Property owners vary and sometimes they will rent based on first impressions and interaction with a prospective tenant. So be sure to dress neatly at the very least. Also, the Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles has a rental application that most owners prefer. You can get one online at AAGLA.  No offense to the Apartment Rental companies around town but, don’t waste your money. Craigslist and a little effort on your part will give you equitable, without the middleman. A word of caution based on an experience I had a couple years ago. I had posted a rental unit on Craigslist with the location and monthly rental amount. Just like I always did. This was standard procedure for me so, no big deal, right? I’d been doing this deal for many years. One day I got a call from someone who was at the building where the vacancy was and wanted to know why no one had met them there. I told them that I had not set an appointment with them and didn’t know what they were talking about. Also the rental amount they said they were given for the unit was much less than the actual rent for the apartment. They were irritated and hung up. I received a few more calls like that in between the regular calls I received from the ad. Something was up. I searched through Craigslist and eventually found another ad for the same apartment I was renting, but with a much lower rent. And … their ad said that they would be at the unit all day and that the owner was so desperate to rent it quickly that they had lowered the rent to this unrealistically lesser amount and it would be first come first serve for rental.  They also suggested that you go to and get your credit rating to bring to the apartment.  For convenience, the ad had a direct link to the free credit report site. This all sounds good right. Wrong! I clicked on the credit report  link and went over the details of the page carefully. It looked perfectly normal. All the details of the credit form were right. Then I did a google search for and went to their site from there. These two pages looked identical; however  there was a slight difference on the actual addresses in the browser. The page from the Craigslist ad was a fake. One of the most important pieces of information needed for a credit check is your social security number. These ads were collecting social security numbers for identity theft purposes. Pretty tricky devils, huh? Keep in mind this happens all over the country, not just in Los Angeles. So pay attention. Be careful, be prepared and go get that cool apartment for study, comfort, and maybe a little fun too.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Stem Tutoring - A New Form of Education

Stem Tutoring - A New Form of EducationStem tutoring is a program designed to provide skills training to underprivileged children in specific professions. In many ways, the program is similar to the traditional school-based education, except that students work with adults in their profession. The quality of the education varies widely depending on the teacher who takes part in the program.It should be noted that the teaching methods employed by instructors at the Brookdale Center for Math and Science Instruction in Stem Tutoring programs are generally unconventional. These methods include using computer-based learning software and using computer game technology to help teach the students how to learn. This program is an excellent choice for students who find traditional school-based education unsatisfactory because of the lack of structure and lack of discipline. While some teachers may not enjoy participating in this type of program, the fact that the students are highly motivated a nd respectful of their teachers shows that this form of education is beneficial.You may be asking why a young person should go to Brookdale when there are other institutions offering the same program. Here are a few reasons why students will find this program an effective way to improve their potential.The amount of time they will spend at the school may be greater than the amount of time they will spend in the classroom, since they will be receiving positive reinforcement from their peers as well as the instructor. With this type of program, students will be given the opportunity to learn how to perform all of the techniques they need to know to succeed. This is often not the case when the teacher is trying to push students through certain skills such as basic math skills.Students that attend this program will also have an opportunity to interact with other students that may have similar goals, and they will be given an opportunity to develop leadership skills as well. They will al so be able to interact with the instructor, and if you ask him or her if it is worthwhile to enroll in this program, they will likely agree that it is. As a result, the students will become more self-sufficient, and they will be able to stand on their own two feet.In the current society, it seems like there are an obsession with pop culture and what you should be doing, where you should be going, and the kinds of people you should be working with. However, some people still believe that these are things that happen in school or while you are in the workplace. This is why the internet has become such a popular venue for education, especially for students.When you look at the experience and success that people have with this program, it becomes easier to understand why it is such a highly recommended available program. Since students do not have to stay in one place, they can take advantage of their own opportunities and be their own supervisor. The majority of students say that they were more motivated and happy to be a part of the program than with other programs that they had attended.

Learn the Science Behind the Study of the Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, and Chemistry of the Cell

Learn the Science Behind the Study of the Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, and Chemistry of the CellAfter reading this book you will come to know all about the science behind the study of the anatomy, physiology, pathology, and chemistry of the cell. This is one of the most essential books that you must read on your trip to medical school because you have to be able to answer basic questions when they come up and show them how to use your study skills in a way that will really help your future success in life. This book is definitely a must have if you want to become a successful doctor or an expert in a certain field.It is a systematic structure that helps you not only understand the structure of the cells but also understand their functions and mechanisms. The answers that you will get from this book are so unique and helpful that I would say that it has the ability to satisfy almost all of your questions that are of high importance. You can even start applying what you learn in you r courses right away, and you can even start improving yourself as a doctor or a scientist.I would like to mention that this book is actually easy to understand for people who are just beginning their studies and who are looking for knowledge and information that will provide answers that will help them make a career. Of course, we all know that in a particular medical specialty we have many questions and difficulties in answering those questions that arise. This book will also help you in answering those questions and problems that you have. Of course, as the book goes on, you will gain new information and knowledge on different topics in this science that will help you be more efficient in your work as a doctor or a scientist.In fact, you can even use your knowledge from this book on the anatomy, physiology, pathology, and chemistry of the cell and on the interaction between different cells and tissues. For example, you will be able to understand the basic roles of various types o f cells in the body and how they are related to each other. This will also make you able to better understand different forms of diseases and the ways to treat them. Another great thing about this book is that you will be able to determine how a certain cell becomes cancerous and how it can be treated.For example, we all know that cancer is the result of different types of cell in the body that get out of balance. The book will help you understand why cells are being formed and other important factors that may cause cancer. I am sure that this book will prove to be very useful for anyone who wants to go into studying the anatomy, physiology, pathology, and chemistry of the cell.One of the best and the best thing about this book is that it is available online, which means that you can study and apply what you have learned in your studies online and make sure that you have mastered it before you start your clinical training. This is the best way to improve your knowledge and make sure that you are properly prepared for a medical career. Of course, you will need to check the clinical tests that you have taken before you can officially join the medical college.If you do not feel like taking the classes on your own, then you can ask the guidance of the good and experienced doctors or health care professionals who are available on the internet. For sure, you will be able to find someone who can guide you the best.

Bju Chemistry Review

Bju Chemistry ReviewBju Chemistry is a guide to the inner workings of this incredibly popular guitar/vocal combo. The book was written by Wayne Owen, who has been a leading singer and guitarist in various musical styles for years.Some of the topics covered in the book include playing notes, breathing, and how to mix two of the most basic instruments into one, creating a harmony, and mixing notes and rhythms. It also looks at mixing vocals and singing, harmonizing and string and guitar licks, and how to make a rhythm track on your guitar. There are even tips for playing the classic Rolling Stones classic 'You Can't Always Get What You Want'.Bju Chemistry is actually four books, three CD's, and a DVD. The CD and DVD are all music-based and cover almost all of the same subjects.The DVD features some excellent interviews with some of the top players in the business including Thomas Pridgen, Louis Hayes, Kirk Hammett, Mickey Pernegar, and Karl Denson. The interviews on the DVD show just h ow well-liked the book is, as well as what other guitarists have been doing to make their own Bju chemistry songs better than what was covered in the book.Bju Chemistry is a great investment for anyone interested in making a song more 'musical' or learning the basics of playing music. It is not as difficult as it sounds; just think about the basic techniques that you already know and you can get pretty far. If you're looking for beginner guitar lessons that are a little more technical, then this is definitely a book for you.In addition to the standard Bju Chemistry book and DVD, there is also an online course called Bju Rocket. I've never looked into this course, but it does look interesting.This has been a great review, thanks for reading my opinion and leaving a comment. As always, please feel free to leave any questions or comments, I am always happy to help people out.

6 Major Milestones in Guitar History

6 Major Milestones in Guitar History Maile Proctor When youre learning guitar its important to learn a little bit about the instruments origins. From the early designs to amplification and the story of rock n roll, heres a look back at guitar history from Denver, CO instructor Kirk R Guitar History: The  First Guitar The old origins of the guitar are rarely talked about. Many people believe that it’s a newly-invented instrument for folk and pop music, however, there were guitars and similar instruments long before familiar instruments like the piano or violin. Most people believe the guitar evolved from the lute, which was used by troubadours during the renaissance. The lute had four strings which you had to pluck.  Though there were fretted and plucked instruments like the lute around much earlier, its safe to say that the guitar, in some fashion, was popular by 1500. The big difference is that all of the strings were paired, much like on a modern 12-string guitar. Here’s an engraving from 1510 that shows us the existence of these instruments. It probably sounded something like this: Single-String Guitars The first major development in the guitar was moving from double-strung (and sometimes even triple- strung) instruments to guitars with only one string per note. It took hundreds of years of playing the double- and triple-strung guitars before the single strings caught on. Even then, it was only the highest string that was a single at first. The previous tunings for multi-strung guitars were wildly inconsistent and wouldn’t always work for different pieces. Imagine having to re-string your guitar mid-set! Because of this, the single-string trend caught on and quickly took over after the early 1800s. A New Design and Steel Strings Sometime in the 1840s, now famous guitar maker Christian Martin (does Martin Guitars sound familiar?) invented a new way of bracing guitars. The X-brace was stronger and easier to produce than previous designs. Some found the stiffly-braced tops overly quiet, which resulted in the first production of guitars with metal strings. This was previously next to impossible, as the older designs couldn’t stand up to the tension of metal strings. Guitar History: Electricity and Amplification Despite the common misconception, Les Paul did not invent the first electric guitar. George Beauchamp and Adolph Rickenbacker (whose company still bears his name) invented what they called the Frying Pan in 1931, about a decade before Les Paul’s prototype. While there were previous attempts to electrically amplify the guitar, it was not until Beauchamp and Rickenbacker created their magnetic pickup that it became a reality. Beauchamp was a Hawaiian Steel guitarist, which is the genre that truly prompted the creation of the electric guitar. The guitar was a more prominent melodic instrument in Hawaiian style guitar than in many other genres, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to hear over the growing bands. Here’s how we might have heard it played for the very first time: The First Rock In 1951, Jackie Brenston, Ike Turner, and the Delta Cats were on their way to record when the guitarist’s amp fell from the roof of the car. (Tip for you future touring band members: rent a big van!) The speaker cone inside the amp tore from the impact, completely destroying the loud, clean sound. Not willing to give up, and not having money to get a new amp, the band rolled with the new sound and created the first guitar distortion. The result is this history-making recording of Rocket 88. About five years later, the band Rock n Roll Trio made a similar discovery that they could achieve the same tone through loosening electronic components in their amps. Computers, Internet, and the Guitar Network I debated including a number things in this section. In the last 60 years, so many things have changed the guitar and the way that it’s played. There are all sorts of computerized effects that began popping up shortly after distortion. Jimmy Page popularized the idea of bowing an electric guitar. Players like Yngwie Malmsteen took electric guitar virtuosity to a whole new level. But all of these seemed like small steps to me. If I had to pick one thing that has had the biggest impact on guitar playing in the last 60 years, I would bet that you’re using it right now as you read this post! Most of you reading this have probably not seen Led Zeppelin perform live. You probably weren’t around when the first effects processors were invented. How is it that you get to see videos of Led Zeppelin concerts or hear the first commercial electric guitar model? I think that the internet has helped more guitarists to learn from masters (and less-than-masters) from all over the world than ever before. Sites like make it easy to see transcriptions from other guitarists of almost any song you might want to learn (not to mention see various versions, transpose, and a host of other tools). YouTube allows us to watch performances or up-close lessons that we would never otherwise have a chance to see, and right here at TakeLessons, you can sign up for live, one-on-one lessons (plus free live online classes for a limited time). The internet continues to rewrite guitar history, and creates endless opportunities for new players to learn and grow. You can search for artists who inspire you, learn new techniques, connect with other guitarists, and so much more! So now that you know some important aspects of guitar history, its time to write your own story. Get started today with a guitar teacher near you!   Post Author:  Kirk R. Kirk is a classical, bass, and acoustic guitar instructor in Denver, CO. He earned a  bachelors of music in Guitar performance at The College-Conservatory of Music in Cincinnati and he is currently pursuing a masters degree in performance.   Learn more about Kirk  here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher